Natural anticancer strategies harness the power of the mind, exercise, food and natural supplements to suppress cancer growth pathways.
These four main elements complement each other and are your Ultimate Mass Weapons of Cancer Destruction. All are backed by science.
These four areas are targeting cancer with the mind, body and food and also with a new concept I have developed that targets the biochemical pathways that cancers use.
This is done with natural compounds. The strategy is known as the Suppression-centric anticancer strategy or SCANS.
CLICK HERE to listen to me discuss this with Dr Ralph Moss PhD.
I have shrunk 3 melanoma lung tumours and completely destroyed a fourth tumour with my Suppression-centric method. I am the first person to try this.
See my scan image from March 2022 and below the scan 3 months later June 2022 showing shrinkage ⬇️

This is a graph showing the initial changes I have achieved (4 to 3 tumours).

This is a graph showing the recent changes I have achieved (3 to 2 tumours). SCANS seems to be effective for these lung tumours but I have added additional compounds and measures to combat some new small subcutaneous lesions.
SCANS has the potential to be used to prevent recurrence of cancer.
SCANS is designed to be engaged either before or after traditional treatments are completed rather than during traditional treatment. The other strategies of mind, body and diet are for everyone anytime.
SCANS has the potential to be used as a possible prevention method for cancer.
Don’t have cancer but worried?
To use SCANS as a potential cancer prevention method where you create your own personalised treatment array of natural compounds for the cancer type(s) that you have the highest probability of getting.
This highest odds of getting a particular type of cancer is based on variables such as your :
- genetic mutations
- family history and
- environmental carcinogen exposure levels

Target Cancer with SCANS
Acts by potentially suppressing the biochemical pathways that your specific tumour type uses to grow.
This connects pre-clinical results plus human trial results and natural active compounds that you can buy online.

Target Cancer With The Mind
Thanks to research, we now know a lot about how the mind and body are linked, right down to the cellular level.
My aim is to synthesis the breakthroughs in research regarding the mind in areas such as stress, social and mindsets to target cancer in a structured way.

Target Cancer with Food
Many bioactive anticancer agents that are in natural compounds are also found in common everyday foods.
Minor tweaks in dietary choices and cooking with a particular array of foods can help to suppress biochemical pathways as in SCANS above. See my anti cancer Omelette Recipe and learn which White Wines are Best to drink.

Target Cancer With Movement
We can control many aspects of our body to combat cancer.
Exercise affects many cancer growth pathways and is an important tool in the war against cancer.
Whether you can run marathons or are bed ridden, there are techniques and tweaks to your routines that are beneficial to suppressing cancer.
Target Cancer Naturally….
is aimed at providing people with resources of how to create their own personalized natural therapy to suppress or prevent cancer with the use of natural compounds, diet, body movement and the mind.
All of this is backed up by and supported by scientific study.
Safety 🦺
The best way is to ensure this is safe for you is to have a team that you can work with such as your Oncologist, Oncology pharmacist and General Practitioner to discuss any contraindications there may be with your treatment array of natural compounds and treatments and medications.
See more information on Staying Safe
This goes in with exercise regimes as well. If you are not comfortable with any of your specialists, look for others till you find the people that are aligned to your personality. I believe having control over our own situations can be hugely beneficial to our health outcomes.
Bottom Line
We have not done clinical trials yet on the Suppression-centric concept so we don’t yet know how effective it is but if you have a Treatment Array (personalised natural compound list) based on SCANS and every compound is safe for you, then you have a much higher potential to prevent or slow the rate of recurrence or possibly occurrence of your specific cancer type (s) than if you choose to consume natural compounds that have never been tested in the petri dish or the lab rat.
- Treatment Array + Mind + Exercise = Live Long
Add the mind and body elements then you really fortify yourself as best you can in a directed way that is in your hands.