I have for you here a sprinkle of info about how you can Target Cancer Naturally with natural compounds, the mind, exercise and diet. First up…

A Natural Compound Profile
Aged Garlic
🌿 What is it sourced from?
Scientific name Allium sativum
Derived from the bulb of the plant.
Allium is the Latin word for garlic. It is part of a monocot genus of flowering plants frequently referred to as the onion genus. The genus includes approximately 500 species.
🌿 What does it do?
Aged garlic and fresh garlic stimulate the immune system by causing T-cell proliferation, restoring suppressed antibody responses1🔬, and stimulate tumour cell death2🔬. It may protect against certain cancers by stopping cell replication and influencing carcinogen metabolism3🔬.
Aged garlic extract, but not the fresh garlic extract, exhibits radical scavenging activity4🔬.
The two major compounds in aged garlic, S-allylcysteine and S-allylmercapto-L-cysteine, have radical scavenging activity. In addition, some organosulfur compounds derived from garlic, including S-allylcysteine, have been found to retard the growth of chemically induced and transplantable tumors in several animal models4🔬. The active component of garlic, Diallyl Trisulfide, an organosulphur compound, is an important suppressor of a number of biochemical pathways.
Specific cancer types exploit specific biochemical pathways. By suppressing these pathways that may be out of balance, we can potentially target cancer growth mechanisms.
🧪 Biochemical pathways Diallyl Trisulfide in garlic suppresses
- HIF-1 (hypoxia inducible factor-1) pathway
- Hedgehog pathway
- MAPK pathway
- NF-κB pathway
(for more on these pathways see my website resource page)
The garlic compound, ‘ajoene’ is associated with suppressing the;
- EMT Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition pathway. I have written a short post about EMT pathway, cancer and 4 compounds to combat it with.
🦺 Safety
Don’t use at least 7 days prior to surgery as it is a blood thinner and stops blood clotting properly.
Also, chemical burns can occur with topical applications on the skin.
now, to the mind 🧠 …
A tool for your mind.
BRAIN DUMP WRITING can relieve some of the pressure you might be feeling of trying to hold lots of information, thoughts and emotions inside your head. Dumping this stuff onto paper or a device can release it from your working memory allowing your mind to no longer feel it is necessary to hold onto it all.
This can improve your short-term working memory. Memory is often a casualty of cancer treatment so this is one way to help keep this intact.
A way to try and see if this works for you is to find yourself a regular time slot over a few days and write or type what’s happening in your head right at that moment. Spew it all out and don’t analyse or think too hard about it.
You want it to be an unconscious flow. Maybe after that, you could problem-solve and brain storm some active steps of how to move forward with anything particularly thorny.
After a few days of this ask yourself the following:
Do I feel less pressure?
Has my memory improved?
Do I know what to do next to solve my current problems of x and y?

Targeting cancer with exercise
I just read an interesting recent study5🔬 entitled Active by nature: exploring cancer survivors’ exercise barriers, facilitators, preferences, and psychosocial benefits of engaging in outdoor physical activity.
The researchers found;
“One hundred and fourteen (N = 114) cancer survivors completed the online questionnaire. More than half of the respondents indicated that an outdoor environment was central to their physical activity of choice with walking identified as the most common outdoor physical activity.”
“Group support was the main expected facilitator of success in an outdoor walking program. Outdoor active participants were significantly more motivated and confident to be physically active and reported significantly more benefit and enjoyment in being physically active than outdoor inactive participants.”
From this they concluded;
“While future research is needed to further explore the role of nature in cancer survivor psychosocial health, we believe that our data suggests preference and benefit for outdoor physical activity in cancer survivors.”
- TAKE HOME MESSAGE “Minutes of outdoor physical activity was significantly correlated with subjective happiness, nature relatedness, and higher quality of life.”
Now to food 🥗
Garlic Prawns
You can combine garlic with prawns/shrimp to gain a burst of omega 3 and other anti-cancer goodness. The anti-cancer benefits of consuming garlic are outlined above.

Researchers who carried out a review of properties of the lipid fraction of shrimp6🔬 state in their abstract;
“Shrimp is one of the most popular seafoods worldwide, and its lipids have been studied for biological activity in both, muscle and exoskeleton.”
“Free fatty acids, triglycerides, carotenoids, and other lipids integrate this fraction, and some of these compounds have been reported with cancer chemopreventive activities.”
“Carotenoids and polyunsaturated fatty acids have been extensively studied for chemopreventive properties, in both in vivo and in vitro studies.”
“Their mechanisms of action depend on the lipid chemical structure and include antioxidant, anti-proliferative, anti-mutagenic, and anti-inflammatory activities, among others.”
Garlic Prawn/Shrimp Recipe
Ingredients: fresh or frozen prawns, olive oil, butter, garlic cloves, lemon, optional sweet white wine.
- Prepare prawns – defrost if frozen. If fresh and whole, pinch off head, then legs, then exoskeleton, finally pinch where neck section is and strip back darkened digestive tract tube, over the back of the flesh from neck to tail.
- Remove outer skin of garlic cloves and chop finely or use garlic crusher.
- Heat frypan or wok with generous covering of olive oil and butter.
- Fry garlic then add prawns and fry fast and hot. As they cook add some wine. Cook from translucent appearance to white opaque flesh and remove immediately from heat.
- Squeeze with lemon and serve.
White wine added to the frying process can add more depth to this dish and if you choose to add this optional ingredient, choose a sweet, early picked grape variety such as a Traminer to lower the carcinogenic risk. White wine contains the carcinogen acetaldehyde and this is also made by our bodies as a by-product of metabolising alcohol. Early picked grapes don’t cellar well and probably have less acetaldehyde levels than older aged wine varieties as acetaldehyde levels increase as wines age due to chemical oxidation of ethanol.
All References 🔬
- Hodge G, Hodge S, Han P. Allium sativum (garlic) suppresses leukocyte inflammatory cytokine production in vitro: potential therapeutic use in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Cytometry. 2002;48(4):209-215
- Țigu AB, Moldovan CS, Toma V-A, et al. Phytochemical Analysis and In Vitro Effects of Allium fistulosum L. and Allium sativum L. Extracts on Human Normal and Tumor Cell Lines: A Comparative Study. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). 2021;26(3):574.
- Powolny AA, Singh SV. Multitargeted prevention and therapy of cancer by diallyl trisulfide and related Allium vegetable-derived organosulfur compounds. Cancer Lett. 2008;269(2):305-314.
- Thomson M, Ali M. Garlic [Allium sativum]: a review of its potential use as an anti-cancer agent. Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2003;3(1):67-81.
- Lesser IA, Nienhuis CP, Belanger L. Active by nature: exploring cancer survivors’ exercise barriers, facilitators, preferences, and psychosocial benefits of engaging in outdoor physical activity. Support Care Cancer. 2021.6.López-Saiz C-M, Suárez-Jiménez G-M, Plascencia-Jatomea M, Burgos-Hernández A. Shrimp lipids: a source of cancer chemopreventive compounds. Mar Drugs. 2013;11(10):3926-3950.
- López-Saiz C-M, Suárez-Jiménez G-M, Plascencia-Jatomea M, Burgos-Hernández A. Shrimp lipids: a source of cancer chemopreventive compounds. Mar Drugs. 2013;11(10):3926-3950.
Now you have a few ideas for how you can target cancer naturally.
www.TargetCancerNaturally.com- backed by science