….choosing only those backed by scientific study

Do you want to know which natural compounds have the highest probability of slowing or stopping your cancer type?
Are you sick of wasting money on natural substances not backed up by studies?
Do you want to learn how to search for compounds known from preclinical studies to kill your cancer type?
Do you want to do everything you can to live a long life?
Do you want to learn how to choose natural compounds that are the most safe and effective for you?
Do you know of the highest probability cancer types you are most likely to get in your lifetime and you wish to try and prevent these from occurring?
Do you want to know which ones actually show promising results in scientific studies?
Have you finished traditional treatment of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy and want a backup strategy?
(it may be dangerous to take natural compounds if you are undergoing cancer treatments as some substances can interfere and reduce the effectiveness of these treatments)
Are you ready to take control and take aim at cancer?
Do you want to increase your odds of living long with quality of life?
The STARTER COURSE with working booklet is now available for $147 USD
This advanced training will teach people how to go through the process of the finding and choosing only those natural compounds most likely to be effective on their specific cancer type or types.
I will take you through all the steps of the Suppression-Centric Anti-Cancer Strategy SCANS published in the peer reviewed scientific Journal Integrative Cancer Therapies.
You can access a free PDF download of this review paper that showcases the concept and methodology of this new pivotal potential anti-cancer method.
This review describes the method using Triple negative breast cancer as the representative tumour type but the strategy is the same for other tumour types.

Click above for your free copy of our paper: A Review of Natural Therapies Potentially Relevant in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Aimed at Targeting Cancer Cell Vulnerabilities
This is the currently the TOP MOST READ article for the peer reviewed Integrative Cancer Therapies Journal
If you read our paper (click above for free PDF) and find it’s all gobbledeegook to you and hard to understand, there is no need to be dismayed as this is exactly why I have created the STARTER COURSE.
This course explains it all in lay terms and shows you how to carry out the preliminary STEPS . You just need a computer connected to the internet that can access search engines such as GOOGLE and BING and some time to do each lesson.
The STARTER COURSE is now available

Here are some slides showing the concept of how cancer attempts to hijack multiple pathways but is stopped by many active agents that suppress those pathways
The circles represent different biochemical pathways and the coloured lines represent different suppressing or blocking active natural compounds.
The cancers try many metabolic or biochemical pathways but these are the cancers’ vulnerabilities that we can manipulate.
By using the active components of many specific natural compounds that act on these particular pathways, the cancer growth is suppressed and ultimately squashed.

Cancer cells then die โ

After completing these lessons, students will have a Treatment Array of hard hitting natural compounds to combat their tumour type.
To find out more about Suppression-Centric Strategy
The Starter Course does NOT take you through the more complex steps of the suppression-centric anticancer strategy described in the published medical paper in the Integrative Cancer Therapies journal.
You may attend the lessons online, work at your own pace and complete tasks in the supplied interactive workbook.
At the completion of the STARTER COURSE, you will have a treatment array or list of natural compounds known from preclinical studies to kill your cancer type and that are safe for you to consume.