I destroyed my tumour!
My last scan shows my largest melanoma tumour is completely gone and three others have shrunk by around 50% in size in a time period of three months. I have not taken any cancer drugs for nine months previous to the scan. This melanoma in the lungs is my second serious cancer type. (The first one was breast cancer of which I have had no recurrence.) I attribute this disease regression to my Suppression-centric anticancer Strategy. I am the very first person to try this and I have success with this novel strategy.
I have no recurrence of breast cancer but I had no way of knowing if that was due to surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or my Treatment Array and other anticancer actions of exercise and a confident mindset.
In 2020, I was diagnosed with melanoma in the scalp. Surgery and then a year of immunotherapy (Pembrolizumab) failed to work and in 2021 it had spread to my lungs.
I created my Treatment Array of natural compounds and a few pharmaceutical drugs to combat the cancer while I waited for acceptance to an immunotherapy clinical trial.
My first anti-melanoma Treatment Array targeted multiple sites in the body to combat melanoma. M growth and spread. My mutation type is a rarer type than usual and I took this into account when researching biochemical pathways to suppress. From September 2021 to March 2022 growth was at a slow rate. A scan in March showed a rapid increase in growth of the first and largest tumour in my lung. I reevaluated my Treatment Array and focused on research findings primarily on melanoma growth in lungs.
Mindset and exercise, two other maintenance aspects remained in my routine too. These aspects became more important at this time, to prevent the stress of not being accepted onto a clinical trial and knowing I now had rapidly growing cancer in my body. The melanoma doctor had informed me in December 2021 that without cancer drugs, my lifespan will be between 6 months and 24 months.
The changes I made in March 2022, reversed the growth of all of the tumours. In three months, I was successful in completely destroying one tumour and shrinking three others by around 50%, plus preventing new ones from growing.
See my scans below.

my scan in March (top) and June (bottom) 3 months later.
I attribute this tumour regression to my Suppression-centric Strategy.

This is a graph showing the recent changes I have achieved (3 to 2 tumours). SCANS seems to be effective for these lung tumours but I have added additional compounds and measures to combat some new small subcutaneous lesions.
In December 2021 I asked my Melanoma Doctor, who is a Professor, melanoma researcher and clinical doctor, , how often do you see spontaneous regression of tumours? She answered, in a thousand of her patients, only two. That is an extremely rare 0.2% of people.
When I saw her again in June, I reminded her of that statistic and also of the firm prognosis estimate she gave me without treatment with cancer drugs, which six months on would be 18 months left at the maximum. I asked her what she’d estimate my life span is now and she gave me the answer of ‘I don’t know’. That’s what I wanted to hear!
Resources I have to help you suppress cancer are;
โ ๐ Podcast Interview with Dr Ralph Moss
โ โน๏ธ Website information on how to target cancer with compounds, diet, mind, and . exercise
โ ๐ฟSubscription offer, to you so you can receive my latest information and posts to . your email
โ ๐ Review paper published in Integrative Cancer Therapies about Suppression- . centric anticancer strategy using Triple negative breast cancer as representative . cancer type
You can now listen to Dr Ralph Moss and I talk about my anticancer strategy and how I came up with the concept.
This aims to potentially combat cancer by suppressing biochemical pathways. This is complementary to traditional cancer treatments using primarily pre-clinical evidence such as in vitro, in vivo and relevant human studies.
To listen CLICK HERE
For information on Targeting Cancer with :
Target with Natural Compounds CLICK HERE
Target with Exercise CLICK HERE
Target with the Mind CLICK HERE
Target with Food CLICK HERE
You may like to take up my subscription offer to you. You will receive my latest information on targeting cancer, direct to your email. To take up my offer CLICK HERE.
The Suppression-centric anticancer strategy is explained in our medical publication.
A Review of Natural Therapies Potentially Relevant in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Aimed at Targeting Cancer Cell Vulnerabilities
Myfanwy Jane Webb, BScHons, PhD1 and Craig Kukard, MBChB, MMed, FRACP1
For free access to our medical publication CLICK HERE
This is a review paper published in Integrative Cancer Therapies and is about the Suppression-centric anticancer strategy using Triple negative breast cancer as a representative cancer type. It is currently the most downloaded publication for this peer reviewed cancer journal at over 4000 times. The journal has a 5-year impact factor of 3.5.