In the paper entitled,
“A review of natural therapies potentially relevant in triple negative breast cancer aimed at targeting cancer cell vulnerabilities“
we use TNBC as the representative tumour type to explain the steps of SCANS.
We explain the mechanisms that TNBC uses for growth and provide a list of natural compounds known to suppress this growth.
This Journal article is published November 2020
in Integrative Cancer Therapies Journal.
This review showcases a pivotal new direction for treatment of cancer backed by science.
For more information about natural compounds and Triple negative breast cancer

Triple negative breast cancer lacks expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors and lacks human epidermal growth factor HER2 amplification.
It comprises between 10%-20% of all breast cancers.
The main TNBC growth mechanisms are:
HIF-1 hypoxia-inducible factor-1
Hedgehog canonical signaling pathway
MAPK pathway
MTAP restriction
NF-kB signaling pathway
Notch pathway
P13k/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway p53 gene, POLR2A suppression and MDM2 oncogene
STAT3 signaling pathway
Wnt ligand pathway
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