Blast away cancer cells with different weapons
SCANS is the Suppression-Centric Anticancer Natural Strategy.

Protect your body
It is a way to protect your body from cancer using natural substances that are known to target the cancerous cells that make up your type of tumour.
Cancers adapt
Some cancers adapt to standard chemotherapy drug regimes.
Cancers change themselves
Cancer tumours can survive by changing the way they grow.
Cancers hijack
Some cancers alter their way of growing to hijack your body’s biochemical pathways that standard pharmaceutical therapies cannot influence.

So, there are two aspects to this. Suppression is to suppress or stop the growth of cancer. Centric is to target this suppression of growth. What is important here, is the suppression of growth using multiple ways and all at the same time. By using multiple ways at once we are aiming to prevent the cancer from succeeding in adapting. We block it every single time it tries out a new avenue to grow.
You can read our published review paper in the peer reviewed journal, Integrative Cancer Therapies entitled:
A Review of Natural Therapies Potentially Relevant in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Aimed at Targeting Cancer Cell Vulnerabilities
This review showcases a new paradigm for preventing cancer recurrence after traditional treatment is complete.